Andrew Fowler Andrew Fowler

Fundraiser for the Poort Plight

Details of how you can donate to stop a catastrophic erosion event on an uMngeni tributary

The combination of : previously felled alien trees; steep terrain; and a runaway fire that burnt very hot, have left a highly erodable zone, right next to a pristine stream in the upper catchment of the uMngeni River.

For details of the critical work that needs to be done during September/October 2020 on the Poort Stream to prevent an erosion catastophe, please see the “Plight of the Poort” post and video below.

Here is a quick map showing where the featured problem area is:

uMngeni catchment showing Poort site .jpg

We have now done a budgeting and planning exercise.

To get in there and do the minimum of work over 2 to 3 weeks, we need to raise R60,000.

We will be extremely grateful for all and any amounts donated, no matter how small. We have landowners in the area, as well as one or two businesses interested, and if we can add a number of small donations to that, we should be able to pull this off. Nothing would make us happier.

If we were to raise more than R60,000, we could comfortably spend up to R200,000 on worthwhile and more thorough remediation work in this zone. We are therefore setting about a quick fundraiser, with the aim of securing R60,000 plus, and we will put whatever we get, to good use.

The project is being run by Upland River Conservation and the Duzi-Umngeni Conservation Trust (D.U.C.T.) in partnership. Donations should be made to DUCT .

DUCT’s bank account is with Nedbank Cascades (branch no 198 765), account number 114 259 3509. An alternative account number is 134 307 4320.

Deposits should carry the reference “POORT.your surname”.

DUCT can issue invoices, as well as section 18 (a) tax certificates on request (contact Gill Graaf at “” )

If you require any more information at all to consider a donation, please call Andrew on 082 57 44 262, or mail

Thank you for considering a donation to this worthy cause.

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Project concepts Andrew Fowler Project concepts Andrew Fowler

The Plight of the Poort

This little stream will probably receive dozens of tons of silt in the next 3 months if nothing is done……

This mini project is not yet funded. It is just a few weeks before we can expect some heavy rain, and we would like nothing better than to be able to get into this valley and get some eco-logs in place.

Take a look at this short video. If the initiative grabs you, and you would like to contribute to making it happen, drop us a message on the “Contact us” page…….

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