Caring for highland river catchments.

A river is the sum of its catchment. Ours is a catchment based approach, starting in the headwaters.


Landowners in our catchments need us to support them, if we would like them to send ample clean water down to us .

A short video about what Upland River Conservation does, and plans to do.

Uplands River Conservation project map rev 2.jpg

An overview of our project locations

Our project proposals are scattered along the foothills of the Drakensberg range.


Grasslands are important

The areas in which we operate are are grassland biomes. This means that for the most part the landscape used to be devoid of trees, except for steep south-facing slopes where small patches of beautiful forest are found. As a result a lot of our work involves the health of the grassland, ensuring the ability of the land to act as a giant sponge that feeds our rain-fed rivers. Follow the blog for stories, progress and explanations.


“Some only see value in the forage that can be raised on the land as crops or native pasture, but I now see a new set of values that include biodiversity, habitat, water quality, and open space. As these things become rarer, the value they represent will become more precious in many ways.”

— Jeff Laszlo